Thursday 31 July 2014

Clannad After Story

Clannad After Story is an anime that comes from Clannad (one of recommended anime mentioned previously). After Story simply means that what happens to each character after they have somewhat graduated from high school. However, the main characters are still Nagisa and Tomoya (Okazaki). They are now a married couple and this anime shows how they go about their life. Of course it is not like how ordinary marriages work. It still has many hilarious, touching and sad moments.

My favourite part is when Tomoya finally accepts what he denies for a long time. It feels like he just overcome a huge barrier of life. About what this obstacle is, you will have to watch the anime to find out. However, this anime is still quite confusing. It all comes to light at the last episode. It is impossible to skip an episode as each episode links to each other. It just would not be complete without all the episodes. If you asked me whether I prefer Clannad or Clannad After Story, I will say both are awesome! The reason being that 2 anime feels like a whole. You cannot watch Clannad After Story without watching Clannad, vise versa. Therefore, I have recommended Clannad and Clannad After Story, both of them for you to watch.

I personally would rate it 12/10. The animation may look very unrealistic. Super big eyes and sparkling like stars. But the story line, the plot is just too good that it made me ignore how the animation is like. The characters are very cute as well especially Okazaki couple! Watch this anime right now! Stop everything now, procrastinate or whatever! Just watch this particular anime right now! :D
Clannad After Story Trailer
Credits: YouTube,

Wednesday 30 July 2014

Log Horizon

Log Horizon
Watched Sword Art Online(SAO)? Prefer less romance but more in-depth game detail type of anime? Then Log Horizon is an anime that you should watch. It has the same genre as the “Highly liked” Sword Art Online but only with less Romance, Harem and Drama. Difference between Log Horizon to Sword Art Online is that its storytelling base is more towards the game and society itself. Characters and the game’s world itself are explained in more detail than SAO.
Story: 9/10
The Story is based around the same as SAO, A large number of people being trapped in an online game and being unable to log out and return to the real world. BUT!. Players who die in the game will not die but revived in the last visited town they were in. Once the players figured that out, they started living in the game normally and act as though nothing can go against them. The Main Protagonist, Along with his team, starts to discover strange thing that happens to the society of the world they live in now. There were problems that occured in the society. Stealing, Discrimination, Abuse cases were all caused by different players inside the game. Thus, the story is about how the main protagonist solves all these problems and fixes the rules in the society that people can once again live well and be safe in the game.
Characters: 7.5/10
The Characters in the game were all diversed as expected in such multiplayer game. There are many different players with different classes till you can hardly see 2 of the same type of class characters together. The Main Protagonist’s Personality and character design matches him very well. He is a smart , scheming and one of the best strategic person you will ever want to be. Although there is character development in some characters of the anime, there is not really much difference and development from start to the end.

Animation and sound : 8/10
There is nothing much i could say about the animation and sound. But that does not mean it is badly animated. The Setting and character designs were great and each major character looks different. They also made sure details of vines, and forest-like attributes in the setting of their town. The Magic animation they used also felt great like how normal MMORPG games would be. Sound wise was just….normal… not too bad and not too great.
Enjoyment: 9/10
As a gamer like myself who likes to play MMORPG games, I Enjoyed alot when watching this anime. They do not leave you out on some minor character details such as what the skill this do and what plan was made before the action took place. Is that during fight scenes or a plan being in action, they do not leave you out on what happened and why this happened. They explained it well and clearly. Another thing i liked about this anime is that when i was watching, it makes me feel like I want to live in such place, I wish that such fantasy was real, or at least a game like this was real. The only thing that pulls the enjoyment level down is some of the episodes began to become real slow. I like how they explain the story clearly and slowly but… it slow builds each after each week starts to get boring really fast. But i like well explained details and i was patient enough to watch it through.
Overall :9/10
It is one of my most favourite anime due to its aspects that i have mentioned. The number of characters are alot more, just that i did not want to mention them and want you to find out for yourself when you watch. Animation and sound was not bad but it was not that great either. Story telling was there and able to get you hooked in some of the episodes. But the it could get abit slow for a few episodes especially in the middle. So If you like to watch a gaming anime, with more detailed explanation, SAO with less Romance, do not mind large amount of talking. then i recommend you this anime to watch.
“Always Think 5 Seconds ahead.”


Hello minna-san, today I will be introducing you Durarara or commonly known as DRRR. It is one of the typical shounen anime, which means it consists of many fighting scenes. This anime features on three high school students when all three of them have their own gang. Firstly, Ryuugamine Mikado. He is a countryside guy who dreams of enjoying the city life. One day, his childhood friend, Kida Masaomi gave him an invitation to move and transfer to his school in Ikebukuro. Masaomi has warned him about people he should not offend in the city: a champion fighter, an informant, and a mysterious gang called Dollars. Nervous from Masaomi's stories, Mikado witnesses an urban legend on his first day in the city, the Headless Rider astride a black motorcycle. From then on, the existence of supernatural cases and a gang called the Yellow Scarf  will rise to the surface, and Ikebukuro will pushed to the breaking point. Want to know what will happen within this anime? Check this anime out.
Personally I feel that this anime is fun and nice to watch as it features the lives of three high schoolers- Masaomi, Mikado and Anri on how they overcome different hardship to be able to protect their beloved.

 Other than these three high schooler, this anime also featured on other characters. My favourite ones would be Orihara Izaya, Heiwajima Shizuo and Kishitani Shinra.

In the show, Shizuo (the guy with blonde hair and wearing a sunglass) tends to throw things like lamp post or more commonly, vending machines at Izaya (the guy with black hair and jacket) every time he sees him. As Shizuo always have a grudge at Izaya ever since they first met each other, due to the fact that Izaya wanted to hurt and killed Shizuo the first time they met, introduced by Shinra (the guy wearing spectacles and a white lab coat). I like these three characters is because Shizuo and Izaya will always be fighting with each other. Their fights sometimes will be very epic, sometimes it will be very funny. For example, there is one scene where Izaya was talking to Masaomi, Mikado and Anri. Suddenly a trash bin was thrown towards him and he flew quite a distance away from the group. This shocked both the characters and me too.
While for Shinra, he is like a joker. But he is very clever too, the rumor about the headless rider is actually his girlfriend. He loves her a lot, which made him act like an idiot in front of his lover.

The voice actors of these characters are able to allow the viewers to understand and feel how the characters feel. As for the songs featured in this show, they are nice too, especially the first ending song title – Trust me which is sung by Yuya Matsushita. The animation of the characters are awesome too, it depicts the emotions of the characters with the help of the voice actors perfectly. This anime is truly awesome, I highly recommend you to go check this anime out.

Credits: myAnimeList,,, durarara wiki

Tuesday 29 July 2014

Accel World

Accel World
Today, I would like to introduce to you a new anime. The genre of this anime are sci-fiction, fantasy and romance. The setting is in a high school. The main character are Haru and Kuroyuriihine, male and female respectively. Haru is a short fat little boy and was frequently bullied by his classmate. In the school network, he feels safe and shows his anger towards the bully by playing squash. He played squash very well. However, one day, he lost a game. It was Kuroyuriihine that won in the match. She was very impressed by his reaction speed and decided to invite him to a game, Brain Burst. It is a Virtual Reality Massively Multiplayer Online (VRMMO).
This anime revolves around Brain Burst. This game has the ability to accelerate a human’s thinking process to a point that it feels like time and space stops. It is very interesting to have the ability to accelerate human brain. I often put myself in the character’s shoes and imagine myself in the game. Perhaps in the future, there will be the Virtual World where people are immersed in it. Not just by living, but by playing and working in it.

The design of the characters are good in general. They used radicals and the lighting to depict the scene and the effect, showing the feelings of the character or the situation. The plot is similar to Sword Art Online. The story also shows the game (VRMMO) in a special way. The way to win to the game is to defeat all the King in the game (all the level 9) to reach level 10. Winning the game is important to Kuroyuriihine as she wants to know the purpose of the game. In her journey towards it, Haru was introduced to the game met her friends and foes. Will she be able to know the purpose of the game? Will she succeed in her finding?

Credits: Wiki, Google.


Clannad is a very romantic and hilarious anime. The story revolves around this couple, Nagisa and Tomoya. They first met under a tree where Nagisa was reciting a phrase she remembered from her memories. It confused Tomoya but that was the start of how they became friends. The scenery just from there was so beautiful, her voice also suits the background altogether. Nagisa is my favourite character as I feel like she has the funniest and has the most interesting personality that in reality, it would not happen.
However, the story is a little complicated. You will have to watch both Clannad and Clannad After Story to understand it fully. It is a very beautiful anime as it is very meaningful. If you are into literature, this anime will bring you to tears and amuse you as well!

Throughout the anime, the main character and the sub characters will have more character development but their personality will stay the same. This is partially why I love this anime. Enough chit chat here and go watch the anime! It is just too good to put it into words!

Credits :

Monday 28 July 2014

Howl's Moving Castle

Howl’s Moving Castle


Sophie, an 18 year old hatter, met a powerful wizard named Howl while on her way to meet her younger Sister Lettie. The Witch of the Waste, who was pursuing Howl as she is in love with him, came to Sophie’s Shop and curse her to become an old lady. Sophie went out to search for her cure and while searching, she stumbled across a scarecrow, in which she named it “Turnip Head”. Turnip Head help her find Howl’s Castle and worked for Howl and Markle (Howl’s assistant) as a cleaning lady. From then on, Sophie’s adventure begins as she travels in Howl’s Castle searching for her cure and helping Howl along the way. Soon, she will know Howl’s deepest secret and the reason behind the war between the neighbouring countries.

My Review

Howl’s Moving Castle was a movie unlike I have ever seen. The movie revolves mainly around Howl and Sophie. Their meeting was and awkward one but as the story progresses, it gets better. It is well told but I felt that the story could be improved, like the ending does not seem right to me as they can tell more about what happen to their lives more after the war. On the other hand, the movie also had some comedic scene but they tend to be forgotten by viewers easily. Other than the well planned storyline, the music of the movie is also spectacular as a wide variety of background music was used which makes the movie more exciting to viewers. Overall, Howl’s Moving Castle is a spectacular romance – adventure anime movie and I really recommend watching this anime movie. I rate Howl’s Moving Castle 8/10.

Credit : Myanimelist, Youtube

Rokujouma no Shinryakusha!?

Doing something different today. I will be reviewing an ongoing anime called,Rokujouma no Shinryakusha.

 Rokujouma no Shinryakusha (Invaders of the Rokujouma) Is a fun to watch, comedic anime. This anime is currently on-going this season(Summer 2014) and this review is created just after watching 3 episodes of the anime. So this review will only be about the first 3 episodes of the anime. At first look this anime, it felt like it was those type of animes where you watch just for the laughter and ridiculous situations. I was right ^^

Story 7/10
This story goes around a group of people. A human, a ghost, an underground lady, an alien and a Magical Rainbow Girl. The human named Satomi, Koutarou had to live in a Rokujouma(a 6-Tatami floored Apartment) on a budget of 5000yen a month. On a bright side, he gets rent free from living in the apartment. But on a down side, He meets different people who wants to invade his apartment. So in order to settle who gets the room calmly without damaging the room due to the landlord, they play different games to see who will get the room. So during their adventure of playing their own created games, much mischief, crazy-ness and insanity happens.

Animation and sound 7/10
All i can say is… it is decent and understandable. nothing too appealing and nothing too extremely well.
Characters 7/10
Each character of the main characters have different personalities and characteristics which makes it more fun to watch. I cant say anything much about the character development cause i only watched the first 3 episodes so… the most i can say is, The characters are well diversed. I mean.. you have a ghost, a magical girl, an underground lady and an Alien who looks like a human. How diverse can this get??? of course unless you add in a zombie.

Enjoyment 8/10
It was funny to watch even the first 3 episodes. I love to watch crazy situations and this surely fulfills them. Im not too hyped to watch the next episodes but i want to watch more crazy shenanigans that will come up as the story unfolds.

Overall 7.5

I can only give this low as i have yet to watch the entire thing and i cant cause… its not released yet. But after watching the 3 episodes, i wouldn mind watching more of the anime. Its enjoyable and crazy. If you have like watched Kore wa Zombie Desuka, then im sure you will like to watch this anime as well.

Pictures From the anime itself

Friday 25 July 2014

Brother Conflict

Brother Conflict

Hi, it’s me again. This time I will be introducing you another reverse harem anime. And that would be …… Brothers Conflict. I bet most of you already know and watched this anime, but for those who do not know about this anime, I will tell you more about it and hopefully able to make you fall in love with this anime series.
Brother Conflict is about a girl named Ema Hinata who is clueless, easily embarrassed, independent, innocent and caring. One day, she learnt that her father is going to remarry. Not wanting her father and her stepmother to worry about her, Ema decided to move in with her soon-to-be stepmother’s mansion, or known as Sunrise Resident to stay with her 13 soon-to-be stepbrothers. (that’s a lot of them isn't it) However because of her sudden appearance into their daily lives, it sparks some sort of ‘feelings’ inside her stepbrothers’ heart. Will it be love or just normal feelings siblings have towards each other? You will know it after watching the anime.
Well, I personally love this anime as there are so many hot and handsome guys in this anime like your usual reverse harem anime. ( I did not say young as the characters age range from 31 years old to 10 years old) I love the twins especially, their names are Tsubaki and Azusa both of them are so alike and they always do things together however, there is one time that they had fight in the anime ( if you want to find out why they fight, watch the anime and you will be able to find out) but I love Azusa more as he has a very sweet voice and personality.  By the way, he is voice acted by Toriumi Kosuke (aka Kiba Inuzuka in Naruto).
The voice actors have given the characters life as they brought out their personalities very well. In addition, every episodes will have short clips that features on Ema and two or three of the stepbrothers, Ema will always say “That was us, siblings.” These clips are confusing at first, but eventually I understand the meanings of these clips. They are emotional and romantic at the same time. But except for one episode, the expression that Ema made and the background sound effect made it hilarious. Oh, there is one more character that I have not introduced to you. And that would be Ema’s pet squirrel named Juli. He is a very cute and funny character, he is quite clever and very protective of Ema, but whenever he thinks that the stepbrothers would do bad things to Ema, he will go berserk and not think about other stuffs but only wanting to protect Ema.

There are awkward and special moments that would make you laugh at their expressions. For example:

Similar to Kamigami No Asobi, this anime does not have a definite ending too, however it did give a cliffhanger…. but what kind of cliffhanger? If want to know more about this anime, then go watch it or put it into your waiting list.

Credits: MyAnimeList, Brother Conflict wiki and 


Gosick is a mysterious and romantic anime. It is an anime set in Sauville/Saubure (fictional country). A student, Kujo the youngest son of an officer in the Japanese Imperial Army, was selected to go to Saint Marguerite Academy as an exchange students. In the school, he meets the Victorique. She is clever and beautiful girl and she spends most of her time on the top of the library, helping his brother (Grevil who is a detective) to solve cases.
In my opinion, it is one of the best anime in terms of character design and plots in part two (that will be mention later). Personally, I would categorize the anime into 2 parts. The first part was mainly about them solving case and helping Grevil. This is where they strengthen their bonds, showing care and concern to one another. The second part is about Victorique’s father making use of Victorique. This part is much more sinister compared to the first part. It shows the start of the main story of how the country’s “ghost stories and fairy tales” are related to the politics of the country. The dark secrets of the country are slowly solved by Victorique on her father’s “request”. I feel that everyone has a very dark past but, they will have accept their past and move on.
My favorite episode is episode 23. It is episode where Kujo was sent back to his country to prepare for the upcoming war. The most touching part of the anime to me is when is Victorique mother was trying to protect her at all cost.
Credit - YouTube, Gosick and Google  

Thursday 24 July 2014

Spirited Away

Spirited Away 


Chihiro Ogino, a 10 year old girl, and her family were travelling when they came across a deserted theme park. Curiously, the family walked into the theme park to investigate. Little did they know, the area was actually inhabited by different spirits. Without knowing this, Chihiro’s parents ate the food that were supposed to be for the spirits visiting the park. This angered the spirits and Chihiro’s parents were turned to pigs while Chihiro was stuck in the world of spirits, being the only human there. She was then forced to work in a bath house within the theme park and there, her story in that world begins. 

My review 

A movie directed by the famous Hayao Miyazaki, Spirited Away is a movie that will excite many viewers of all ages. The movie takes place in a deserted place where spirits come every night to bathe and eat at the bathhouse. Chihiro was forced to work there for survival or she will be eaten by the spirits themselves. Hence, the workers help her and change her name to avoid being caught. She faced many challenges and obstacles along the way but manages to overcome them. For example, when an injured dirty river spirit came to bath, Chihiro pulled out a splinter from the spirit, cleaning him which no one dared to do. The storyline was good and I was able to understand what the story was about and also found the music very attracting. Sometimes, I listen to music more than pay attention to the movie itself. Overall, Spirited Away is a movie not to be missed as the story and the music will ensure that you keep your eyes to it. I would rate this anime movie 8.5/10.

Credit : Myanimelist

Fairy Tail

Fairy Tail:
I would rate this anime 9 out of 10. Fairy Tail is a guild in the anime. The guild is a very bonded guild with many different type of magicians. They are the strongest guild in all of Fiore (the world name in the anime).
My favourite character in the anime is Lucy Heartfilla. She is a celestial magician in the anime which means that she can open the gate to the celestial world using a key and summon a celestial spirit using celestial spirit magic. She is the most normal person in Fairy Tail and is often teased by her guild mates. But the bond in her guild stay strong.  Therefore, these are the reasons why I like this character the most.

In this anime, the scene of when and where Lucy first joined Fairy Tail, had adventures with them and have sad and touching moments with them. Through these adventures, the guild grow even stronger and bonded over time. However, some of the FairyTail members were trapped in an island(owned by the guild itself), due to a dragon that appeared. They were trapped and hidden from the world for 7 years. However, after that, they rise again and it made me feel like it is extremely awesome as they are still as strong as ever and able to keep up with the 7 years of change.

In conclusion, this anime is rated at 9 as some episodes in the anime are boring as it is sometimes show the scenes that I have already predicted. However, it is rated a high rate as the tension always keeps me going and when the fights starts, the catch phrase comes up from Natsu, a character from Fairy Tail. It is just amazing how the artist make so many different characters with so many different type of personality and magician skills. Hence, this anime is one of the most recommended one on my list. Although there are hundred over episodes, the anime is just amazing and an eye catcher. So, to you anime watchers out there watch this anime!
Credits: Deviantart,

Wednesday 23 July 2014

Nagi No Asukara

Nagi No Asukara OR Nagi-Asu: A lull in the sea, it is an excellent anime, especially the scenery, and it has a unique story not to be found anywhere else. When I first watched this anime, I knew that I would enjoy it very much and I was right about it. The settings in the story takes place in both land and sea.
Story: 9/10
The story took place long ago in a fantasy world where there is 2 different human type species. Humans that live can only live on land and Humans that can live in the sea in their special village called shioshishio. Humans on land are unable to go there. These ‘underwater’ humans are able to breathe, walk on the seabed and swim naturally in the sea as well as able to go onto dry land as long as they keep their layer of protective layer moist. In the story, the underwater middle school was closed down due to various reasons. The 4 childhood friends had no choice but to go to dry land to study instead. While on land, they have to control their social behaviours and try not to cause trouble and discomfort. As the story goes on, the 4 childhood friends starts to form a “Love Chain” within themselves and some characters on land. More feelings of love build up and more dramas starts to show up. In the anime, all of them starts to learn the history of the two different types of human species and in my opinion, it gets better especially in the 2nd half of the series.
Characters: 9/10
Each of the characters in this anime are all very unique. There many different types of personalities like having low self-esteem to being cool and calm. Each of them will play their own role of the story and drama very well. The best part about these characters is that you will be able to see them turn to adults and have character development along the way. For example, the rowdy, rude and loud character who always screams and shouts whenever he doesn’t feel happy, but he starts to become more mature and think about his actions and surroundings more often than before. I would say that it is good that each character is unique, but I would say it is even better when we see how their character develops as we watch.
Animation and Sound: 11/10

As you see the 11/10 rating, I can ensure you that the animation and sound effects in the anime is truly beautiful. The opening and ending songs links so well with the anime as it has the sea as the setting. When you are on dry land, you can hear the sound effects of the waves splashing, when underwater, u can hear bubbles around at times. The voice actors are very into their character and you can feel their emotions. As for the animation, everything is drawn and animated very well and detailed. Leaves on trees are very detailed, fishes can be seen swimming in the back ground, sparkles are added on the right places and when times where water splashes onto the characters. The animation and sounds in this anime is truly amazing. It is clearly one aspect of this anime that made me want to watch more during the first episode.
Enjoyment: 10/10
I enjoyed every moment of the anime. There are times when I felt like the 20 minutes of an episode are equivalent to 5 minutes. The animation, drama, story, were very attractive. When I watched finish one episode, I just could not wait for the next one, but I had to wait impatiently for the next episode. This clearly shows that I enjoyed the anime very much.
Overall: 10/10

Nagi no asukara is great for people who love to see great landscapes and feels in an anime. This anime is highly recommended if you are one of those people. I could hardly say anything bad about this anime as everything was almost perfect in my eyes. If you are searching for an anime that has good story development, romance and drama and would not mind if it is slow-paced, I would recommend you to watch it immediately. I got hooked onto this anime from the start and I hope that you will get hooked onto it as well. Here's the Opening for you to see the animation of the opening as well as the soothing song Credits to the rightful owners: Youtube Uploader, Creators of Nagi No Asukara

Guilty Crown

Guilty Crown is Science-Fiction genre anime. The setting of the story is Japan. The country in the story is having suffering from Apocalypse Virus known as the lost Christmas. That destroy Japan’s independents in an effort to recover from the lost Christmas, Japan requested help from the UN (United Nations).
 In my opinion, I feel that this anime is about how we grow from tough and difficult situation. The characters in this anime have change themselves to the different situation they face. They reflect on the actions of themselves and the situation they encounter.  Both of the main character (Gai and Shu) in the anime have change a lot after lost Christmas. The main female character in the anime, the person who cause the lost Christmas to happen, like Shu and wanted him to be her husband. Shu rejected her. That is the one of the reasons I like Shu this character in the anime. Shu have several qualities that I like. He is someone who will change to adapt to a situation but not change his mindset after that. He is also one who will sacrifice himself to save the others.
The favorite episode in the anime is episode 20. It have explains the lost Christmas and reasons and details about it. In this episode, the reason why I like, it was the saying about the history of the lost Christmas and how did the three main character met. I will say that it is one of the most important episode in the whole Guilty Crown.

Credits – YouTube , Guilty Crown.

Tuesday 22 July 2014

Sword Art Online

Sword Art Online (SAO):
I personally would rate this anime 10 stars upon 10 stars. The anime is very interesting as many of us play video games and this anime shows a bit of what the future can be. When I watched this anime, I feel involved with it and honestly, I would definitely buy the game, Sword Art Online (MMORPG), in the anime even if it costs a hundred dollars. My favourite character in this anime would be Asuna, the Lightning Flash Asuna.
The main character in the anime is a boy named Kirigaya. He was stuck in a game with other players because of the creator of the game. He was strong and had many adventures in the anime. The adventure gave me so many different feelings. It was just wonderful. However, the sad part of the game is that, anyone who died in the game or their nerve gear (a hardware required to play the game) was removed while the game was not completed will die in reality.
While logging out of the game after its completion, another company, trapped the players once more for a science experiment in the game. A new game, ALfheim Online, was used for the science experiments, which I felt that it was extremely cruel as the players have suffered long enough. Asuna, Kirito’s friend was trapped in that game as well. She was constantly assaulted in the game by the “King” in the game, I can just smack that “King” and slowly torture him to death for it. Kirito, however, did not give up and tried to save her multiple times and soon, he brought Asuna back to reality along with the other players that were being experimented on unwillingly. On how he did that, I suggest that you watch the anime.
In conclusion, the anime has much more to tell you, anime watchers! I have more to say but I do not want to be so long winded like how I am already now. Therefore, watch this anime now as it is my all-time favourite anime. There is SAO 2 now and I will review it once it is completed! (I hope it does not end!)
Sword Art Online Trailer
Credits : Kiss Anime,

Noucome (Ore no Nounai Sentakushi ga, Gakuen Love comedy wo Zenryoku de Jama
Shiteiru _de_Jama_Shiteiru )

Noucome or Ore no Nounai Sentakushi ga, Gakuen Love comedy wo Zenryoku de Jama
Shiteiru _de_Jama_Shiteiru ( A Long titled anime, has to be nice), is a hilarious comedic
anime that made me laugh way too much whenever watching. Disclaimer, this anime maybe
pervertic but it is funny.


This anime story revolves around a high schooler named Amakusa Kanade. A Typical normal
high school student who is actually very unlucky. He is cursed with “Mental Choices” Which
forces him to make a choices depending on a situation by a man’s voice in his head. If he
does not do it, will experience painful headaches. An example in the choices that appeared
in the beginning of the 1st
1. Eat the perverted magazine on the floor
2. Smell the perverted magazine deeply on the floor.

His entire school named him a strange and dangerous person because of this curse and he
has no choice but to live his life the way it is. He will meet even more stranger people and
his life just becomes more comedic when we watch.
During the plot of the story starts when he gets a message from ‘god’ and he must complete
tasks that are sent by him to remove the curse that he has. But if he fails, he will never be
able to remove them.


Each of the characters that the main protagonist meets in the story are unique, which allows
them to create different and hilarious situations that Amakusa Kanade will experience.
Although most of the characters are Stereotypical in the anime universe and there is hardly
any character development in most of the characters, Each of them plays their role in the
story well.

Animation and Sound:8/10
The animation and sound in this anime is done well. Everything was clear and the characters
were cutely drawn. The Sounds of the voice actors were well done and brings out the
characters very well. The Sound of the environment maybe lacking but the sound effects in
the situation makes the anime more hilarious.

Enjoyment: 9/10
I enjoyed this anime fully as I loved to laugh my head off at the main protagonist’s situations
and choices he is forced to make. Although the plot and story goes through quite fast, I
was still able to catch up and understand how the story goes. But the most enjoyable thing
about this anime is the comedy it gives.

I love this anime as it will always brighten up my mood especially in the morning. I would
love to watch and laugh more of it if the 2nd
anime is that its quite short with only 10 episodes. And once it was over, I felt that I lost
something that usually makes me happy and enjoyable. I would recommend this anime to
you if you like to laugh a lot when watching an anime series and does not mind perverted jokes at all.

Here's a short video of what is inside!

Monday 21 July 2014

Soul Eater

Soul Eater

This anime is set in a school for Weapon Meister and humans that can turn themselves into a demon weapon. Three different group of friends, consisting of a meister and a weapon, are set on a quest to reach the title “Death Scythe”, the highest title for humans to achieve. Having the title means that they can be wielded by the Grim Reaper himself. Therefore, to achieve that title, they have to collect 99 Demon’s Souls and a Witch’s Soul. Through this, they faced several challenges and dangerous enemies throughout the world and also met different misters and enemies in their academy along the way.

My review:

Soul Eater is an action-adventure anime with a touch of comedy to it. The main protagonists, Maka Albarn & Soul Evans, BlackStar & Tsubaki and Death the kid & Patty and Liz Thompson, travelled around the world to collect different souls. Besides hunting of souls, the anime also have episodes where they settle conflict among themselves. The anime has a few arcs* like the demon sword arc and the remedial lesson arc. Despite having a sufficient amount of story arcs, the anime tends to rush the story and making me confused at some parts of it. An example is the final battle with the Kishin Ashura, they did not tell the history between him and the Grim Reaper properly and hence I was not able to understand why the conflict had started in the first place. Besides the arcs, the Soul Eater anime also have some comedic side as well. Soul Eater have some memorable fighting scenes which make the rushed storyline somewhat forgivable. Other than that, Soul Eater is a very good and recommended anime to watch as the comedy in it will make you laugh and the fighting scenes are extremely exciting and awesome that your eyes will stick to the screen. I would rate this anime 8 out of 10 stars.

*arc means a smaller storyline that is part of the whole in the anime. (Japanese anime culture definition)

Credit : Myanimelist,

Kamigami No Asobi

This anime is about a girl who is named Kusanagi Yui who is the usual reverse harem heroine where she is  cheerful, kind, helpful, easily flustered, heart opener (well for guys, you should know that reverse harem is more popular to girls so you may want to skip this)

Well, what is a harem without crazy situation? Yui’s story started with quite rude invitation from Zeus to help ‘educate’ young (but alos drop dead gorgeous) gods to better love humans. Oh and also it is in a high school theme. I will not be spoiling the story, so if you want to find put the progress of this ‘education’, you should watch the anime.
Kusanagi Yui
My Reviews:
Personally I feel that this anime is an interesting anime where it features on how these young gods able to overcome their awful past by the help of the heroine and the other gods . As these young gods are from different cultures like Greek, Japan and Norse, it helps to bring out each and every characters’ different personalities. In general, this anime is stunning and attractive, the voice actors of the characters was able to bring out the different personalities of the characters perfectly. This anime was able to make me cry and laugh as the voices of these characters have brought out the emotions of the characters. I like the shorts previews of each episodes as they uses very humorous ways to discuss about the next episodes. As this is anime is from a reverse harem game (as stated the genre above), there is no definite ending for the anime as there are a lot possible happy endings with different characters, to prevent from the animation to lead to only have one typical storyline, the producer did not show who Yui would choose as her boyfriend. Thus, I strongly recommend you to watch this anime as it is a good choice and it does not have a definite ending which attracted me.
Credits: MyAnimeList and Kamigami no Asobi wiki