Thursday 31 July 2014

Clannad After Story

Clannad After Story is an anime that comes from Clannad (one of recommended anime mentioned previously). After Story simply means that what happens to each character after they have somewhat graduated from high school. However, the main characters are still Nagisa and Tomoya (Okazaki). They are now a married couple and this anime shows how they go about their life. Of course it is not like how ordinary marriages work. It still has many hilarious, touching and sad moments.

My favourite part is when Tomoya finally accepts what he denies for a long time. It feels like he just overcome a huge barrier of life. About what this obstacle is, you will have to watch the anime to find out. However, this anime is still quite confusing. It all comes to light at the last episode. It is impossible to skip an episode as each episode links to each other. It just would not be complete without all the episodes. If you asked me whether I prefer Clannad or Clannad After Story, I will say both are awesome! The reason being that 2 anime feels like a whole. You cannot watch Clannad After Story without watching Clannad, vise versa. Therefore, I have recommended Clannad and Clannad After Story, both of them for you to watch.

I personally would rate it 12/10. The animation may look very unrealistic. Super big eyes and sparkling like stars. But the story line, the plot is just too good that it made me ignore how the animation is like. The characters are very cute as well especially Okazaki couple! Watch this anime right now! Stop everything now, procrastinate or whatever! Just watch this particular anime right now! :D
Clannad After Story Trailer
Credits: YouTube,

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